Blessing #1 I have a wonderful husband, who takes care of me and our family. And isn't he so cute. This will be our little secret (since he doesn't ever read our blog) the guy loves to mop; he is so cute about it, he has never liked me to do it when I am expecting because of the chemicals. He is so sweet he gets his MP3 player out and goes to work, and when he is done he looks at his accomplishment and says "I love to mop", I don't feel so bad for letting him do it since he enjoys it. I love this man, he is such a great and wonderful blessing in my life.

Blessing #2 Mr. Zander, what a sweet boy I have. He is so smart and sweet. He has the cutest little dimple on his cheek and when he smiles he lights up the room. He is always the first one to tell me how good dinner is and how pretty I am. He is such a good big brother. The Princesses teacher stopped me and Mr. Zander after school to tell me what a good big brother he is and that every morning he walks her into her classroom and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and reminds her to have a good day and to be good in class. He is such a joy.

Blessing #3 The Princess/Diva extraordinaire. She is our little star with a soft nurturing side. She likes to put on performances for our family; she gathers all the necessary equipment to make a stage with a podium and microphone and invites us all to go into her room so she can sing for us from her little stage. She is also very sweet; she will give her brothers anything because as she say's "I am going to give this to you because sharing is the nice thing to do". What a sweet heart she has.

Blessing #4 Our little Rooster, a silly name for such a funny boy. He is our jester our own in house clown. He can make anyone laugh even if he is not trying to be funny it is in his nature to be funny. I choose this picture to emphasize his silly side. This photo is of Rooster and his pet puppy named all by himself as Tippy. For about a year this little red bean bag was his luvy toy. He took Tippy for walks in a stroller, he slept with his puppy Tippy and he played with Tippy, wherever he was Tippy was close by. (thank goodness we had more than one) Before Tippy when Rooster was just a baby his luvy was a plastic chicken leg; he never took a pacifier but he had to have his chicken leg in is hand. It was so cute and funny. We love having this little comedian around there is never a dull moment in this house.

Blessing #5 Anytime a new life is created it is a miracle. I often sit and wonder what joys this new little miracle will bring to our family. How excited we are for the blessing of having another little boy join our forever family.