Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
How does your garden grow?
The Easter bunny brought the kids their own little herb garden kits in their favorite colors
The kids were so excited to plant their own garden, so for Family Home Evening we had a lesson on gardening. We learned that we should study and learn the best methods for providing our own food, and that children should help and have responsibilities for caring for the family garden. Gardens teach us about reaping what we sow, and how to love nature. We can become closer as a family by working together, and gardens help us to be self-sufficient. Gardens also helps us to eat healthy food and can save us money.
So we turned the pellets in to soil by adding water
We planted our little seeds
Placed our gardens out in the sun and watered them.
No Family Home Evening would be complete without dessert, so the kids and I made Oreo dirt cups. (It was Alex's idea to add the strawberry so it looked like a real garden)
Alex enjoying the fruits of his labor
We also talked about what we do with the extra we get from the harvest
We canned our own pickles
And we talked about sharing our harvest with others, so we started a citrus marmalade to share with our friends and neighbors. Needless to say our kids had a blast and are excited to care and nurture their gardens.
I had to throw this picture in for cuteness factor, I just love those Grandma "J" blue eyes