Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can't Believe He's Six

To Alexander on your Sixth Birthday
Happy Birthday to my first born, Alex you are such a wonderful and special son. You have a wonderful imagination and an amazing mind to go with it. You are so smart it keeps me on my toes. You are learning and growing so fast.
I love your smile, your smile is infectious and lights up any room you walk into. You are such a sweet and helpful boy. You are the first one to compliment me on the meals I cook and the housework I do. You always want to help me and you love doing your chores. We couldn't have asked for a better son. You are so helpful with your brother and sister. You love to play with them and teach them.
You have taught me so much as a mother. I am so grateful to have you and so blessed to be your mother. "I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Al way's, As Long As I'm Living My Baby You'll Be" Happy Sixth Birthday Alex
Love Mom

Monday, September 1, 2008

Guess Who's Four

To Emily on your Fourth Birthday,

You are our little princess in all things. You are so sweet and caring, if either of your brothers are in trouble or in time-out, you are right their with them comforting them , telling them it will be okay, "it's only for a little while". You love your brothers, they are your best friends and playmates.

You are my cuttle bug, you love to be snuggled and held, and you also love to snuggle and hold others. You love babies, whether its your dolls or real little babies, you take such good care of them you hold them you love them you play with them so gentle and soft. You have such a big heart, you love to give and to share. Your feelings are so gentle and strong, I remember not so long ago that you got into trouble by your dad and he told you to sit in time out and you were crying and you screamed "Daddy you broke my heart, you need to say you're sorry and fix it". Of course as with all little princesses you have your daddy wrapped around you finger.

Emily you bring us so much laughter and joy into our lives each day. What a blessing to have such a sweet and loving little girl. We are so thankful that we have been blessed to be your mommy and daddy. You have so many talents and gifts, I can't wait to see them blossom and flourish.

Emily we love you,

Happy Fourth Birthday