This will be our first Christmas without my mother. The Christmas Season was her favorite time of the year. The halls were all decked, the trees were lit up, the potato sacks where hung by the chimney with great care. The house smelled of Oliebollen, Peanut Brittle, Homemade suckers, & Peanut Butter Popcorn. We as kids we were all suited up and sent out into the snow for hours of play. LOVE was in the air.
My mom spent hours upon hours making Christmas gifts, Barbie doll tents with clothes, G.I Joe sleeping bags, Place mats, & New Pajama’s to be opened on Christmas Eve. I fell asleep many December nights to the hum of her Bernina sewing machine coming from the room above me. LOVE was in the air.
My mom always had a gift for everyone, Nieces & Nephews, Great Nieces & Great Nephews, distant cousins, people she visit taught and neighbors; many times I would ask her “Who are those gifts for?” and her reply would be “These are for those who might stop by that I don’t have a gift for”. If the Savior himself were to stop buy, our house would be in a flurry but she would have a gift. Her greatest gift was always an open heart and willing hands. LOVE was in the air.
My dad always tried to play the Grinch at Christmas time, but he never fooled me. He may watch the movie every night from the 1st up until Christmas Eve, but he was always the first one snooping, peaking and shaking all the gifts under the trees, sneaking treats out of the kitchen, or finding some mistletoe and following my mom around the house trying to get more smooches. LOVE was in the air.
Christmas at our house was always so magical. Whether you lived at home or were thousands of miles away rest assured, Christmas would be unforgettable. Hand made Marshmallow guns were assembled, ammunition was near, places of fortification were acquired, and firing would commence. Of course mom would be in the center of it all. The puffs of marshmallows would be whizzing by in all directions and there she would be laughing to tears in complete and utter joy. LOVE was in the air.
I am sad because I Cannot hear her laugh, because I cannot call her and tell her that her grandson got straight A’s, that her Granddaughter said something hilarious, that Rooster has on obsession with Peter Pan and wants to change his name, That I cannot send her a picture of her new little grandson, her namesake Baby “J” and tell her that he has her blue eyes. I may be sad but I am rejoiced because I know I will see her again, I will laugh and cry and be merry with her once more, because LOVE is in the air.
“For God so LOVED the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him, should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.” LOVE is truly in the air.
You may not think that you have a lot to give this Holiday Season, whether you miss a loved one, have financial setbacks, or feel that you are all alone. Remember, LOVE is in the air.
My mom spent hours upon hours making Christmas gifts, Barbie doll tents with clothes, G.I Joe sleeping bags, Place mats, & New Pajama’s to be opened on Christmas Eve. I fell asleep many December nights to the hum of her Bernina sewing machine coming from the room above me. LOVE was in the air.
My mom always had a gift for everyone, Nieces & Nephews, Great Nieces & Great Nephews, distant cousins, people she visit taught and neighbors; many times I would ask her “Who are those gifts for?” and her reply would be “These are for those who might stop by that I don’t have a gift for”. If the Savior himself were to stop buy, our house would be in a flurry but she would have a gift. Her greatest gift was always an open heart and willing hands. LOVE was in the air.
My dad always tried to play the Grinch at Christmas time, but he never fooled me. He may watch the movie every night from the 1st up until Christmas Eve, but he was always the first one snooping, peaking and shaking all the gifts under the trees, sneaking treats out of the kitchen, or finding some mistletoe and following my mom around the house trying to get more smooches. LOVE was in the air.
Christmas at our house was always so magical. Whether you lived at home or were thousands of miles away rest assured, Christmas would be unforgettable. Hand made Marshmallow guns were assembled, ammunition was near, places of fortification were acquired, and firing would commence. Of course mom would be in the center of it all. The puffs of marshmallows would be whizzing by in all directions and there she would be laughing to tears in complete and utter joy. LOVE was in the air.
I am sad because I Cannot hear her laugh, because I cannot call her and tell her that her grandson got straight A’s, that her Granddaughter said something hilarious, that Rooster has on obsession with Peter Pan and wants to change his name, That I cannot send her a picture of her new little grandson, her namesake Baby “J” and tell her that he has her blue eyes. I may be sad but I am rejoiced because I know I will see her again, I will laugh and cry and be merry with her once more, because LOVE is in the air.
“For God so LOVED the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him, should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.” LOVE is truly in the air.
You may not think that you have a lot to give this Holiday Season, whether you miss a loved one, have financial setbacks, or feel that you are all alone. Remember, LOVE is in the air.
Thanks so much Brooke for the great reminder of LOVE! You are so sweet and such a wonderful example. I hope this year is beautiful for you and your family even though we're all missing that lovely, wonderful, amazing woman you talked about. Love you!
Very beautiful Brooke. Now I know where you get all your greatness from. You too, are an amazing woman! Have a wonderful holiday, wish we could share it with you
Brooke, that was so beautiful. I'm trying to type through my tears. I was priviledged enough to experience some of these memories in your sweet home and they will always stay with me. Thank you for being the amazing girl you are and sharing that love with others. Love you always!
I have something stuck on my throat and its hard to explain with words how much this hurts. But I'm sure you more than understand. It is flypping hard not to be able to pick up the phone and call her. Which I did, until someone I don't recognized answer her phone. It had been reasign. Mom is so missed. We love you guys!
I'm a little late in reading it, but I'm still crying. I sure do love you Brooke. I hope you were able to find lots of happiness in your beautiful family this Christmas.
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