My baby is growing up too fast. When our other kids were at about 18 months we would move them from the crib to a big kid bed, usually because we were expecting a baby and wanted them to get used to not being in the crib. Since we are no longer expanding our family we still wanted to stick with tradition and moved Baby "J" into his big boy bed.

I finally did it, I finally put together the rain gutter shelving in all the kids rooms. They kids are in heaven, they all love to read before they go to bed and when they wake up in the morning. I love it when it's too early to come downstairs, they can stay quiet in their room with their books. They all got to put their book on their shelves and they have arranged and rearranged them over and over again. I also love that they are so easy for them to use, they can see the cover, reach the book, and put it back easily when they are done.

We are officially homeschooling, and we are loving it. We have been studying ancient Egypt and I think I have learned more than the kids. They are very visual learners they love to do hands on activities. Once week we try to do a project about what we are learning, these pyramids we did last week. They had so much fun putting the pyramids together. I hope we have many more fun and enjoyable school days.
Hi Brooke. are so brave. :D You will be great with it for sure.
Super fun stuff! I love the rain gutter shelves.
I love all your cute ideas, especially the shelves. Glad to see you guys are adjusting and getting settled in.
Welcome back, blogging friend!! You are so creative, love the rain gutter shelves!
Thanks for the update! Hope you are all doing well! Sorry, I missed your call the other day, I was very sad that I missed the opportunity to talk to you. Love you!
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