Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma J

To a very special Grandma on her very special day

We love you Grandma J

The Hulk Arm

A few days before Christmas my little Rooster fell from the ladder of the bunk beds and fractured his ulna near his elbow. The poor little guy

After a day spent in the emergency room and another 3 hours in the Dr's office
Rooster now has what he calls his Hulk arm

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tag!

Don't be a Scrooge and play along!!!!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Coordinating wrapping paper. Red, white, & silver.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial.

3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? New Years.

5. Do you like eggnog? Like it yes, drink it no.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? When did I grow up? The Barbie tent & sleeping bag my mom made.

7. Hardest person to buy for? My hubby, always wants expensive toys.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Our kids.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Some of a nativity scene.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mailed.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Is there ever a bad gift?

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? "It's a Wonderful Life"

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Christmas.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Guilty.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.

16. Lights on the tree? Red & White.

17. Favorite Christmas song? "O Holy Night".

18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Who can't?

19. Angel on the tree top or a star? We have a Star.

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? 1 gift on Christmas Eve, the rest on Christmas Morning.

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? How fast it goes by.

22. What theme or color are you using? Red, white & silver.

23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Honey Baked Ham.

Now lets read your answers! Please play

Monday, November 3, 2008

Love Is A Beautiful Thing

7 Years and 4 Babies, And we are still in love. How great it that?

To Shane : Seven Reasons Why I Love You

1. You get up with the kids most every morning, giving me that extra 30 min of sleep.

2. You always say I love you before you hang up the phone, even if it is just a short call.

3. You put up with all my funny little quirks, and believe me there are many.

4. You always know how to make me laugh, even when I don't think I want to.

5. You look sexy washing dishes, and you wash dishes frequently.

6. You never get disappointed if things aren't done, kids come first house comes second.

7. Because you are you and everything about you gets better with time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here Comes Number Four

Shane and I are pleased to announce that we are expecting a new addition to our little family. Everyone is excited and loving the news. Alex is already being a responsible big brother, telling me to eat "because when you eat the baby eats and when the baby eats, it grows."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can't Believe He's Six

To Alexander on your Sixth Birthday
Happy Birthday to my first born, Alex you are such a wonderful and special son. You have a wonderful imagination and an amazing mind to go with it. You are so smart it keeps me on my toes. You are learning and growing so fast.
I love your smile, your smile is infectious and lights up any room you walk into. You are such a sweet and helpful boy. You are the first one to compliment me on the meals I cook and the housework I do. You always want to help me and you love doing your chores. We couldn't have asked for a better son. You are so helpful with your brother and sister. You love to play with them and teach them.
You have taught me so much as a mother. I am so grateful to have you and so blessed to be your mother. "I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Al way's, As Long As I'm Living My Baby You'll Be" Happy Sixth Birthday Alex
Love Mom

Monday, September 1, 2008

Guess Who's Four

To Emily on your Fourth Birthday,

You are our little princess in all things. You are so sweet and caring, if either of your brothers are in trouble or in time-out, you are right their with them comforting them , telling them it will be okay, "it's only for a little while". You love your brothers, they are your best friends and playmates.

You are my cuttle bug, you love to be snuggled and held, and you also love to snuggle and hold others. You love babies, whether its your dolls or real little babies, you take such good care of them you hold them you love them you play with them so gentle and soft. You have such a big heart, you love to give and to share. Your feelings are so gentle and strong, I remember not so long ago that you got into trouble by your dad and he told you to sit in time out and you were crying and you screamed "Daddy you broke my heart, you need to say you're sorry and fix it". Of course as with all little princesses you have your daddy wrapped around you finger.

Emily you bring us so much laughter and joy into our lives each day. What a blessing to have such a sweet and loving little girl. We are so thankful that we have been blessed to be your mommy and daddy. You have so many talents and gifts, I can't wait to see them blossom and flourish.

Emily we love you,

Happy Fourth Birthday

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Look Who's Two......

To Andrew on your second Birthday,

You are such an amazing little boy. We are so blessed to have you in our home and family. You are always making us laugh. You have such a wonderful sense of humor, and a heart melting smile.

You look just like your dad, it's like having a mini version of him with me all day. You love your brother and sister you always try to be just like them and copy the things that they do. You cry when they go to school and cannot be with you. You have such a wonderful love for you family, you always want everyone together all the time. If someone is missing from the room you leave to go find them and bring them in . Everyone who spends time with you loves you and thinks that you are so fun and cute. Before we had you dad and I felt that there was someone missing in our little family, you have filled that void with so much, we can't imagine our lives without you. Everyday we have with you is a blessing and a gift.

Andrew we love you

Happy Second Birthday

Monday, August 18, 2008

The First Day Of School

Today was the first day of school. Alex started Kindergarten and Emily started Preschool (if you ask her she will say "I am going to Pretty School"). They both did really well and were very excited. Alex was up and dressed at 4:30 this morning, he cried when I told him it wasn't time to get up for school yet.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Homemade Butter

It has always been my dream to make homemade butter with a butter churn. Well I don't have a butter churn, but I found a great recipe for homemade butter in a jar. Me and the kids had a blast making butter, and even more fun tasting it.

Summer School Time

I love school and school supplies,
as soon as they went on sale
I bought the kids there own little school
box filled with goodies for them to use
when we play school at home

Monday, August 4, 2008

What's Inside? Does Anyone Know?


The kids love playing hide-and-go-seek. Most day's before dad gets home, he calls to let me know he is on his way. I tell the kids to hurry and hide, than when daddy gets home he goes around the house trying to find them. This was one of their hiding spots. It took daddy a wile to find them. (mom did a little misdirecting to help)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

To My Staff Sergeant.

You have worked long and hard for more than a year,

and now the promotion day has finally come.

Your efforts and sacrifices are much appreciated.

I love you and am so glad that you are mine.

A big
for my husband Shane.

he was a Senior Airman but now he is a Staff Sergeant,

Today he sewed on his E-5 stripe.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Brotherly Love

I went into Alex and Andrews room
to check on my boys before I went to bed,
and this is what I found

Andrew had climbed out of his crib
and crawled into his big brothers bed.
Aren't they so adorable?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ode To 30 On My 30th Birthday

30 Things I've Done
1. Changed A Flat Tire All By Myself
2. Spent 18 Months In Australia On A Mission For
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints
3. Gave Birth To 3 Children
4. Been Asked To Be A Model
5. Survived Eating Poisonous Mushrooms
6. Been Thrown From A Wave Runner By My Husband
7. Thrown My Husband From A Wave Runner
8. Had My Youngest Child Naturally (No Drugs)
9. Married In The Las Vegas Temple
10. Drove Across The U.S.A. 3 Times
11. Had My Picture Hanging On Display In Olan Mills
12. Won A Coloring Contest
13. Been Evacuated For A Hurricane
14. Been To The Grand Canyon
15. Been Through The Redwood Forest
16. Won A Cutest Baby Contest
17. Seen The Bonnie And Clyde Car (Creepy)
18. Fulfilled a Dream (To Be A Wife)
19. Fulfilled Another Dream (To Be A Mother)
20. Lived In Las Vegas And Never Gambled
21. Been Paralyzed For A Week
22. Been Stopped By A Stranger Who Admired My Eyes
23. Been The President Of A Sorority
24. Lived Where I Had An Ocean View From My Window
25. Been A Witness To A Crime
26. Been Asked To Testify As A Witness To A Crime
27. Been To Mexico
28. Been On A Ride In A Race Car
29. Been Rappelling
30. Saved A Life

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blogging = Fun And Games

Share a Memory please!

My Sister has a posting game going on. Sounds like fun and I would like to try it out!

1. When you comment on my blog leave a Memory that you and I had together. It really doesnt matter how long you knew me just anything that you remember!

2.Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I will know that you are playing the game and I will post one about you on your blog.

FUN...FUN..FUN. I am way excited and hope that you will come play!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Learning New Things

In preparation for our upcoming
Personal, Family, and Home Enrichment Meeting
on food storage, my counselors and I have been canning.
I have never canned before,
although I have often watched my mom can.
So far we have canned,
6 quarts of tomato's, 24 pints, & 12 half pints of grape jelly.
I am now hooked and can't wait to learn and can new things.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Projects

Feed The Lion Bean Bag Toss For A Baby Shower

Cupcake Pop For A Visiting Teaching Handout

A Friend Gave Us This Bed. We Put It In Emily's Room

A Cute Loft Bed

Of Course I Had To Paint It

A Tree House On Top And A Doll House Below

What More Could A Little Princess Ask For

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A New Little Niece To Love

I made this little lap quilt and block for my new little niece Sarah
Welcome To The Family Sarah..... I Can't Wait To Cuddle You
Congratulations Cher And Ron

Once Was Lost, But Now There Found.

We took the kids out Kayaking a few weeks ago with a Kayak that we borrowed from a friend. We all had a blast, especially the kids. I lost the pictures somewhere on our computer. Than like magic they appeared again (Yea)
Dad and Alex
Alex Taking Over The Oar
Happy Princess
Can I Go Now?
Dad and Emily
Dad And Rooster

Creative Or Crazy? You Decide.

Shane and his friend Jason took Alex to the movies (Kung-Fu Panda). While I stayed home with Emily And Rooster (Andrew). It was time for Rooster's nap, I put him down so Emily and Mommy could have some one on one time together. Emily just got her first Barbie so we got out some of my old Barbie items to play with, some clothes my mom made and an old chair made out of wood that I think was my sister's (Cher if you are looking for it I have It). Anyway we didn't have a lot to play with. Being the CRAZY person that I am I saw a large piece of plastic foam from a box that was shipped to our house. So Emily and I decided to make our own Barbie furniture. Almost two and a half hours later this is what we came up with.
Couch, Blanket, Pillows, End Table, Lamp, and some Cd's
A Table complete with Table Wear, and a Chair
A Bed, Sheet, Pillow and Blanket
a Flat Screen TV, TV Stand, and VHS Video
Bookcase and Books
Toilet with Handle and Seat Cover
Rug, Coffee Table, Remote Control, Candle, Plate, And a CD Our Happy Little Princess
We added some stickers to make them look a little more real

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Super Hero Cleaners

Every morning my Little Super Hero's come to my rescue.
They put on their capes and I say "Oh No! Who is going to help me clean up all this mess and make all these beds, Oh No! What am I going to do." help me
Than all at once I have 3 little Super Hero's running around the house helping me clean up each room and helping me to make each bed .
Their good with laundry too.
I Love Being A Mom

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Alex's Spring Program

Alex missed his spring program because we all had the flu.

He was very sad that he was sick and could not go.

To help him feel better I told him that I would film him singing

so he could share his song with everyone.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008